Sunday, August 10, 2008


All expectations blown away - without a doubt, the most amazing spectacle of performance art ever witnessed on such a grand scale. China succeeded in erasing the slate of comparison for Olympic opening ceremonies forever. Completely awe-inspiring, emotionally uplifting - Chinese pride put the pedal to the "medal". Couldn't help but watch with tears - we've finally seen what the country of China has been preparing for for the last decade - all culminating on one glorious night in Beijing. No words to describe the beauty, no where to even begin. Unbelievable.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Oh, yeah... Let the games begin!

And So We Wait... Again.

Well, we have officially submitted our COP paperwork to Bethany Grand Rapids, and it has been accepted. As stated in the last posting, we have no idea of knowing any sort of timeframe for this next phase. Part of me suspects that we'll never really be ready for that phone call - No matter when it comes, our lives will immediately be placed upon that turbulent path we've become so familiar with. The other part of me thinks that we've never been more ready for that phone call - No matter when it comes, our lives will immediately be placed upon that wonderful path that we've waited for for so long. It's kind of like my best friend Dan - he has a turbulent, yet wonderful path ahead of him. Will he ever really be ready for what lies ahead? Who knows. In the words of Switchfoot - "Don't close your eyes... This is your life... Is it everything you dreamed that it would be...?

One thing's always for sure - And so we wait... again. Kind of like watching water boil. Or watching the sundial, waiting for the shadow to creep to the hour you've been dreaming of. But now we wait with more hope than we've felt in a long time, and it feels nice for a change.