Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hope Is Like The Sun...

October 3rd. Three years ago today was a very dark day in our family. A tragic loss. Little did we know that it would set us on a course that would change our future. How could we have known? We couldn't. What sense did it make? None. But funny how God's wisdom shows up in the unexpected. Laura has a little "flip"-type calendar... you know the type. Each day you flip to a new page, and on each new page there's a saying or quote of some sort. Well, on this 3rd day of October - a date that, as the sun rises, brings with it the pangs of sorrow - these are the words that spilled off the page of the calendar as we flipped to today: "Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us." Indeed... what a picture in words. Our God certainly has a way of using the simple things in life, like a little calendar. These words were written by a man named Samuel Smiles. And I hope he doesn't mind if I make the slightest change to his profound thought. Here's mine: "Hope is like the SON, which as we journey toward Him, casts the shadow of our burden behind us." Oh, yes indeed... what a picture in those words.


Amy said...

love your blog entry!! so awesome the journey that he has led you 2 on!! i love you guys!

Blessing Counter said...

Jay, I guess three years ago was part of our "dark ages" when we weren't in contact....whatever the loss, I am so grateful to God for bringing you here....and for this journey to this beautiful girl! I can't wait to "meet" her via your blog! Hug Laura for us!!