Well, this will be my last blog posting while in China. Tomorrow we will make our final jaunt to Hong Kong, followed by a quick turnaround flight to Chicago. Today we had our appointment at the US Consulate in Guangzhou where we took the oath, and our adoption of Raina was officially recognized by the US Government. Upon landing at O'Hare airport, Raina will be granted her US citizenship, and the process will be complete. There is a sadness in leaving here. We've made friends... lasting relationships. It seems almost surreal that it's ending. All the waiting, all the planning, all the anticipating... it's finally over. When those wheels touch down on Chicago ground, Raina's new life will begin - an American life. Although we have only known her such a short time, she is one of the most incredible people we have ever known. We would give our lives for her, our precious daughter. And there is a whole group of other people whose lives have been changed forever also. The picture above is of our travel group. Every one of the people in this photo have a story to tell. Every one of these little children will touch countless lives when they return to the US. The miracle of adoption reaches far and wide... from the cities of America to the villages of China... the Hand of God at work amongst the people of the world. We say this all the time, but I'll say it again: If you would've told me 5 years ago that I'd be blogging from the other side of the globe with the most beautiful 2 year old little Chinese girl sleeping gently in the bed beside us, I would've told you "You're crazy". But that's what God does - He changes your world. Sometimes it's scary, sometimes it's exhilarating. But it's ALWAYS what's best. So there it is... The Curatolo family... coming home... no longer waiting... for Raina.