Sunday, October 7, 2007

Because Kids Matter To God

My sons have gotten involved in something that we are very proud of. We started bringing them a few weeks ago to an area church that has a great AWANA program. They are now "Sparks" and they are having a blast. AWANA is something that had a profound impact on my own life as a kid - in fact, it sometimes seems that most of the Bible scripture that I still have memorized to this very day was birthed out of my own experiences in AWANA. When Wednesday rolls around each week, they can't wait to go. They are doing wonderfully with their verses, and they absolutely love it. How awesome it is to see our boys embracing the Word of God in a way that they enjoy so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the boys are having fun at Awana's. Hey, Jay, remember the soap box derby's? You're right about the memory verses...their minds are like steel traps at this age, so the things they learn now will stay with them for a life time! The Lord is good, No He is GRAND! Love, Mom